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Friday, March 2, 2012

hw #7-2 Powers to the People!

These are the videos from Tuesday...

hw on MathChamber Unit 7 page

oops... correction... I meant to EXCLUDE the Scientific Notation questions, since we hadn't gone over them in class... the hw should be... 

hw#7-2: Due
   Mon Mar 5 (B)
   Tues Mar 6 (A)   
Read pg 425-429
pg 429-430 #5,6,8-19 ALL

if you figured it out on your own, GREAT... otherwise... SORRY!!


  1. Mr. C I'm having trouble on #20 and 21 on the HW. I really don't know where to start! Could you help me out

  2. OOPS!! Sorry... see my note above (in the post heading)... hmmm... so no problems with anything else??

  3. ... for the record, some folks my other class are complaining about SciNot, too.

    we'll go over it this week... why do you think it is in the same unit/section... for goodness sakes, it's just a power of 10! If you can do powers of 3 and powers of a&b and powers of x&y, don'cha think you should be able handle powers of 10?

    If you have learned (& understood) powers & exponents, scientific notation is simply a specific version using powers of 10 ONLY.

    Mr. C.

  4. can you please explain 19

    1. im having trouble with the same one

  5. I require assistance on problem number 18 of the homework due Tuesday... please please help sir

  6. 17... im really confused on how to do this

  7. Here's a video for #19... hopefully it will help you with #18, too.

    cut-and-paste this link into your url window...

  8. You should be a professional teacher Mr C! Your Videos are so good! haha They did help a lot!

    1. You should be a professional too, Evan... (left blank intentionally, I'll fill it in for you later...)

  9. Hey Mr.c just I still allowed to ask questions on the blog now that I've switched out .... and steal an occasional video?? They're second to none!

  10. These videos are WEAPONS OF MATH INSTRUCTION... they cannot be STOLEN or TRADED for other ARMS... or LEGS for that matter.

    The more the merrier! My DRIVING AMBITION is to get the whole world HOOKED ON MATH! Just think of all the smiling children around the world watching MathChamber videos (hmmmm... I'm picturing a young Hungarian child asking "What's a schmegeggy, mommy?"... maybe this isn't such a good idea, after all??).

  11. Haha yea I think he would be more worried where his next meal is coming from not scientific notation :) I'll spread the word that Math chamber is open to ALL seekers of algebraic understanding even the Hungarians!! I'll be sure to show my classmates these "WEAPONS OF MATH INSTRUCTION" thanks again Mr. C
